School Council

Welcome from the School Council to the Cam Woodfield Junior School Website! 
Our aim this year is to take on board the views of our peers and use this to help improve the experiences of everyone, as well as representing the school in a variety of ways.
This year's council consists of 7 class representatives, ranging from Year 3 to Year 6, in addition to our Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. 
We work closely with teachers to help make sure that we have good communication and that we are making the most of opportunities to help make improvements and implement our ideas. 

Parliamentary Candidate visit

During October, we were given the opportunity to represent the school in meeting and interviewing Parliamentary Candidate, Siobhan Baillie. She was interested to find out about our school and asked us lots of questions about what we think and do. We were also able to ask her some questions. When we asked her about what she thought of our current Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, she said that she really liked him and that he has a very big job to do.

We all really enjoyed getting to meet Siobhan and wish her all the best!