Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 
Our theme this term is: 'New York, New York!'

Start spreading the news... in Year 6 this term, our theme will be New York, New York! 


We will be learning about what life was like in 1920s New York. We will look at important events around this time including emigration and lifestyle. We will also be learning about why people would have chosen to live in New York back then.

In English, we will be reading the text: The Good Thieves by Katherine Rundell.

Key Information 


We will have PE lessons on a Tuesday  and Thursday this year. Please ensure that your child's PE kit is named and in school at all times as we sometimes have additional sessions too. This term, we will also be having swimming sessions on a Thursday in place of our in-school PE session.


Children are expected to be reading at home at least 3 times per week to support their learning. We will regularly check with the children how they are getting on with this.

Times tables

Children are encouraged to continue using TimesTable Rockstars at home each week. Every child has their username and password to enable them to log in. This will be checked in school, if you have any problems logging in, please speak to the class teacher. Of course, there are also many other ways to practice you multiplication facts.

Purple Mash

The children have access to Purple Mash which they can use whenever they want. They could produce some of their theme homework using this platform and then send it to school.