Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!
Our theme this term is...
Our theme:
During the Spring Term, Year 5 will be travelling back to the 1960s to learn about all things space. We will be using science as our driver to help us delve deeper into our solar system and discover why the sun, planets and moon are spherical bodies. We will also act as researchers to learn all about the role us humans have played in making astronomical space advancements over time that help us have access to the scientific evidence that we do today. During this theme, we will be making 'astronauts in space' paintings, a moving rocket ship door using gears and pulleys and take part in a 'Dome Experience' where we will get to star gaze and find out even more about our amazing galaxy!
Key texts:
In English, we will be using ‘Cosmic’ and 'The Skies Above My Eyes' to inspire our writing, where we will write our own science-fiction narratives, non-chronological reports and free verse poems. During this term, we will also be securing our grammar skills with a focus on writing complex sentences and learning and applying spelling rules.
Key information:
Year 5 have two PE lessons each week (weather permitting), these will take place on Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure that your child's PE kit is named and in school at all times. We suggest the children bring in warmer clothes for PE lessons during the winter months.
Children are expected to be reading at home at least 3 times per week to support their learning. Please update Boomhub regularly as reading scores will be collated every Thursday. If your child has finished their reading book, they need to tell the class teacher who will allow them to go to the library to select a new one.
Times tables
Children are encouraged to continue using Times Table Rockstars to practice their times tables three times per week. In school, they will complete weekly times table tests and their daily 21 facts to support them with their times tables.
Purple Mash
Purple Mash is a great tool to support children with their learning. The children could complete their homework on this software, or just explore the site's resources for fun! If there happens to be a school closure, work will be set in this platform. There is no expectation for the children to use Purple Mash on a weekly basis.
If you are having trouble with any of the above apps, please let your child's class teacher know.