Welcome to Year 3!
Our theme this term is ...
The Stone Age
During this term, Year 3 will be immersed into the Stone Age. We will become historians to discover what it was like to live thousands of years ago. Our investigations will include cooking (and eating) the type of food they ate, discovering and replicating their art, and of course, marveling at the creation of Stonehenge!
- Year 3 PE days are Monday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor). The children are welcome to bring some warmer clothes for outdoor PE.
- Children need to read with an adult at least 3x a week and record this on 'Boomhub'. You will be provided with a login for this and it will be checked every Thursday. If your child has finished their reading book, they need to tell the class teacher who will allow them to go to the library to select a new one.
- Children should access Times Table Rock Stars at least 3x a week on the following link: Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)
In English, we will be using ‘Stone Age Boy’ and ‘The Secrets of Stonehenge’ to inspire our writing, where we will write our own character descriptions, diary entries, non-chronological reports and some poetry. During this term, we will also be securing our grammar skills with a focus on word classes and sentence structure.