Vision and Values

Our Vision and Values at CWJS
Together, we learn, laugh and grow to be the best we can be
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
The staff, governors and parents believe that this vision statement encapsulates our shared core beliefs and sense of common purpose. We will use this vision to inform, prioritise and focus our practice and outcomes.
This is what we believe our vision will look like:
  • A happy, rights respecting, atmosphere of purposeful buzz; created with shared values and a shared sense of belonging, rooted in and encompassing our wider community; with friendship and high standards of behaviour across the school, where people care for each other’s safety and well-being, mental and physical; where mistakes are welcomed as an important part of learning and everyone’s success and progress is recognised and celebrated within a vibrant effective, well-organised and well-maintained learning environment.
  • Pupil outcomes in reading, writing, mathematics and science exceed the national average because our assessment and barrier identifying systems are realistic, robust and reliable, so learning is focussed and effective. We have a pervasive culture of behaviour for learning: pupils are curious, enthusiastic, resilient and reflective problem solvers, who enjoy challenges and love learning.
  • Pupils are actively engaged in, and challenged by, our rich curriculum which offers a wide variety of opportunities and experiences to develop and deepen knowledge, skills and understanding, and which provide the context for pupils to respond and communicate physically ( including through sport ), creatively, mathematically, and scientifically through speaking, writing, artwork, dance, music etc. as they learn, work and play with others to shape their positive sense of self and sense of being part of our world.
  • All staff show their commitment to our culture of collaborative, supportive, self-challenging professional development, where the best practice adapts to best suit the changing needs of our pupils, and the changing educational landscape, to achieve the most aspirational outcomes for staff and for all pupils.